Course Description

Get Instant Access to the Ultimate Online E-Commerce Business Course. 

Subscribe to the regularly updated e-learning led version of this globally recognised e-commerce business certification program from The Certificate in Online Business™ (COB). Master International E-Commerce Planning and Management, Content Strategy & Customer Experience, Web Merchandising for Maximum Sales and Gain an Introduction to Digital Marketing & Advertising

  • 90-days access to around 25-hours of high-impacting interactive online lessons and workshops (compatible with Tablets, Windows & Mac PCs)
  • Downloadable E-Learning Versions of the Six Official COB Certified E-Commerce Manager Course Books
  • Exam attendance is optional and can be purchased separately*

Further Information:
For course testimonials, comparison, target audience, benefits, outcomes and objectives Read More

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*In order to attend an exam, subscribers must purchase an exam administration package from us, and then pay an exam attendance free to their chosen Authorised Testing Center or if taking an exam via Live Remote Exam, pay invigilation fee direct with Digital Skills Authority.

Course curriculum

    1. Instructions

    2. Get Your 6 E-Books & Web Merchandising Workshop Kit

    3. Lesson 1 - Introduction

    1. Lesson 1 - Why E-Commerce?

    2. Lesson 2 - The Advantages of E-Commerce

    3. Lesson 3 - E-Commerce Risks and Disadvantages

    4. Lesson 4 - Why Do Customers Buy Online?

    5. Lesson 5 - Building Consumer Trust

    6. Lesson 6 - Elements of a Successful Storefront

    7. Lesson 7 - The Online Buying Process

    8. Lesson 8 - Online Storefront Solutions

    9. Lesson 9 - E-Commerce Security

    10. Lesson 10 - Accepting Payments Online

    11. Lesson 11 - How to Avoid Charge Backs and Fraud

    12. Lesson 12 - E-Commerce Quiz 1

    13. Lesson 13 - E-Commerce Categories, Sub-Categories and Products

    14. COB Certified Manager - E-Commerce Planning Templates

    15. Lesson 14 - E-Commerce and Shipping

    16. Lesson 15 - E-Commerce Store Requirements Checklist

    17. Lesson 16 - Further E-Commerce Considerations

    18. Lesson 17 - Introduction to E-Commerce Law

    19. Lesson 18 - E-Commerce Quiz 2

    20. Lesson 19 - E-Commerce Summary

    1. Lesson 20 – What is Content and Content Strategy

    2. Lesson 21 – Web 2.0 – Web 4.0

    3. Lesson 22 – Web Site Critique

    4. Lesson 23 – Web Content Planning

    5. Lesson 24 – Accessibility

    6. Lesson 25 – Content Planning Workshop

    7. Lesson 26 - Online Audience Engagement

    8. Lesson 27 – Case Study – Customer-Focused Content Strategy

    9. Lesson 28 - Content Strategy & Customer Experience Quiz

    10. Lesson 29 - Writing for the Web - The Content Pyramid

    11. Lesson 30 – The Art of Web Writing

    12. Lesson 31 - Search Engine Optimisation

    13. Lesson 32 - SEO Workshop

    14. Lesson 33 - SEO Web Writing Quiz

    15. Lesson 34 - Content and SEO Web Writing Summary

    1. Lesson 35 - Web Merchandising Know-How

    2. Lesson 36 - Web Merchandising Workshop 1

    3. Lesson 37 - Web Merchandising Workshop 2

    4. Lesson 38 - Web Merchandising Summary

    5. Lesson 39 - Web Merchandising Quiz

    1. Lesson 40 – Introduction to Digital Marketing and Branding

    2. Lesson 41 – Introduction to Search Advertising

    3. Lesson 42 – Google Adwords – Workshop 1

    4. Lesson 43 – Introduction to Banner Advertising

    5. Lesson 44 – Google Adwords – Workshop 2

    6. Lesson 45 – Affiliate Marketing

    7. Lesson 46 - Introduction to Video Advertising

    8. Lesson 47 - Linkedin Advertising Workshop

    9. Lesson 48 - Facebook Advertising Workshop

    10. Lesson 49 - Introduction to Digital Marketing & Advertising Quiz

    11. Lesson 50 - Digital Marketing and Advertising Summary

    12. Lesson 51 – Email Marketing

    13. Lesson 52 - Email Marketing Quiz

    14. Lesson 53 - Email Marketing Summary

    15. Lesson 54 – Introducing Social Media

    16. Lesson 55 – Widgets

    17. Lesson 56 - Twitter for Business

    18. Lesson 57 - Social Media Marketing Quiz

    19. Lesson 58 – Social Media Marketing Summary

    1. Lesson 59 - Course Summary and Exam Practice Exercise

    2. Planning to Take the Exam? Next Steps

About this course

  • $1,350.00
  • 64 lessons
  • 90-days access

Get course in these bundles :

  • COB Certified Management Bootcamp - Three Certifications


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  • COB Certified E-Commerce + E-Business Manager Program


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  • COB Certified E-Commerce Manager E-Learning Program


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