Get a subscription to the industry's leading online e-business certification course. Subscribe to the 90-day e-learning course version of this globally recognized e-business certification program from Digital Skills Authority's - The Certificate in Online Business™ (COB) Series. Master E-Business and E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management, Content Strategy & Customer Experience and gain an Introduction to Digital Marketing & Advertising

  • 90-day course with around 25-hours of high-impacting interactive online lessons and workshops (compatible with Tablets, Windows & Mac PCs)
  • Downloadable Secured E-Learning Versions of the Six Official COB Certified E-Business Manager Course Books
  • Includes Digital Skills Exam Administration Fee*

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If you are buying any combination of e-learning courses for 10 employees or more: Download Corporate E-Learning Guide

* Fee excludes exam invigilation (sitting) fee which is payable to your chosen authorised testing centre, or Digital Skills Authority should you wish to take our Secure Live Remote Exam via Webcam. 

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