COB Certified E-Business Leader - Part 1 Program

The COB Certified E-Business Leader Program comprises two parts each with their own exam.   This online program includes Part 1 only.

Part 1  - COB Certified E-Business Manager Program

This program normally offered as a classroom consultative option for our leadership program.

Part 1 - The core foundation for all managers and above is the COB Certified E-Business Manager program.  Course subscribers are required to sit and pass the exam (either online via Live Webcam or through Authorized Test Centers globally). On passing the exam, you will have the COB Certified E-Business Manager certification, and qualify to progress onto the Part 2 course detailed below, to certify as a COB Certified E-Business Leader.

Part 2  - COB Certified E-Business Leader - Advanced Learning - Classroom Only

  • Day 1: Deploying and Understanding Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Day 2: Future Technology, Strategic Planning and Innovation
  • Day 3: Advanced Practical Workshops
  • Day 4: Practical Examination
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